# HELP builds_total The total number of builds. # TYPE builds_total counter build_total{type="build"} 1264 build_total{type="deploy-preview"} 500 build_total{type="deploy-production"} 235 # HELP build_success The number of successful builds. # TYPE build_success counter build_success{type="build"} 1242 # HELP build_duration_ms_sum The summed duration of all builds in milliseconds # TYPE build_duration_ms_sum counter build_duration_ms_sum{type="build"} 32106285 # HELP build_duration_ms_count The count of all builds with a non-null duration # TYPE build_duration_ms_count counter build_duration_ms_count{type="build"} 1264 # HELP build_html_loc_sum The sum of total lines of rendered html of all builds # TYPE build_html_loc_sum counter build_html_loc_sum{type="build"} 481330998 # HELP build_html_loc_count The count of all builds with a non-null sum of total lines of html # TYPE build_html_loc_count counter build_html_loc_count{type="build"} 875 # HELP build_all_tracks_list_bytes_sum The sum of bytes of all builds of the tracks list page html # TYPE build_all_tracks_list_bytes_sum counter build_all_tracks_list_bytes_sum{type="build"} 45267214 # HELP build_all_tracks_list_bytes_count The count of all builds with a non-null bytes measurement of tracks list page html # TYPE build_all_tracks_list_bytes_count counter build_all_tracks_list_bytes_count{type="build"} 856